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  • 分手大师 电视剧(分手大师,里,邓超开绿色吉普车时,放的背景音乐叫什么,跪求,各位大神,高手)

    首页 > 信息 > 文章正文 发布时间: 2022-09-22 12:40 阅读()

    《HelloWorld》:周笔畅演唱的“叶小春之歌” 演唱:周笔畅 作曲:刘峰铄、王喆作词:刘峰铄 Hey, morning and kiss the world Put on my little shiny skirt Happen to meet a dog who gave me a spit of the tongue I’m singing on the road Wish I would never grow old and summer time would never go Hello my world hello you world Every time when I saw your face Won’t you please send me a smile and dance with my toe Hello small world hello big world Wanna give my love to everyone but this time I’d keep it deep in my soul Hey, morning and kiss the world Put on my little shiny skirt Happen to meet a dog who gave me a spit of the tongue I’m singing on the road Wish I would never grow old and summer time would never go Hello my world hello you world Every time when I saw your face Won’t you please send me a smile and dance with my toe Hello small world hello big world Wanna give my love to everyone but this time I’d keep it deep in my soul Hello my world hello you world Every time when I saw your face Won’t you please send me a smile and dance with my toe Hello small world hello big world Wanna give my love to everyone but this time I’d keep it deep in my soul

    关键字: 电视剧 / 分手 / 绿色 / 大师 / 邓超开 / 吉普车 / 
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    Power by DedeCms  联系方式:woTSIJBo7ekYcJH@outlook.com