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    首页 > 信息 > 文章正文 发布时间: 2022-09-25 07:49 阅读()

    The environment is everything around us,for example,air,water,animals,plants,buildings and so on。They all affect us in many ways and closely related to our lives。

    People can't live without the environment。 Everybody needs to breathe air,drink water and eat food every day。We burn coal to keep warm,and we use wood to make paper。

    As a result,we become the part of the environment。

    The environment has been getting wores and wores for many years。

    We have been upgrading our living standard, meanwhile the environment has been polluted。Somke form factory chimneys pollutesthe air。

    Machines and engines make noises that annoy us constantly。Animals are homeless because the forcests are decreasing every minute。

    Streets are crowded with people and vehicles。The environment painful for us to live in it now。So it's time to solve those problems。

    Fortunately,it isn't too late to correct our mistake。People are coming to realiza the importance of the environment。

    We have begun to try our best to improve it。Laws are being made dealing with air, water and noise pollution。The river be bright,the sky will be clear,the flowers will be beautiful,and the sunbeam will be dazzling and pretty。

    We believe that we wil be able to save our environment and live in a better world







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    Power by DedeCms  联系方式:woTSIJBo7ekYcJH@outlook.com